
APN world list

This is a complete list of APNs from all over the world, this list allows you to configure devices so you can surf the internet.
List of the most important APN's.
APN: Access Point Names for all mobile operators (last update: 2024)

Country Network APN User name Password
Multi-Country United Mobile uml.com umdata internet
Albania Vodafone Twa guest guest
Angola Unitel internet.unitel.co.ao guest guest
Argentina CTI internet.ctimovil.com.ar ctigprs [blank]
Argentina Movistar internet internet internet
Argentina Personal gprs.personal.com gprs adgj
Australia Optus (2G) internet guest guest
Australia Optus (3G) connect guest guest
Australia Optus
(3G Prepay)
preconnect guest guest
Australia Telstra
telstra.internet guest guest
Australia Telstra
(3G data bundles)
telstra.datapack [blank] Telstra
Australia Telstra
(3G pay by time)
telstra.pcpack [blank] Telstra
Australia Telstra
(3G prepay)
telstra.wap [blank] Telstra
Australia Three
3netaccess guest guest
Australia Three
3services guest guest
Australia Virgin Mobile VirginInternet guest guest
Australia Vodafone vfinternet.au guest guest
Austria Drei drei.at guest guest
Austria Max Online gprsinternet GPRS [blank]
Austria Max Online
business.gprsinternet GPRS [blank]
Austria Max Online
gprsmetro GPRS [blank]
Austria Mobilkom A1 a1.net ppp@a1plus.at ppp
Austria OneNet web.one.at web web
Austria tele.ring web web@telering.at web
Austria Yesss web.yesss.at guest guest
Azerbaijan Azercell internet guest guest
Azerbaijan Bakcell mms guest guest
Bahamas Batelco internet.btcbahamas.com guest guest
Bangladesh AKTel atmmms
guest guest
Bangladesh Banglalink blweb guest guest
Bangladesh Grameen Phone gpinternet [blank] [blank]
Bangladesh Grameen Phone gpwap [blank] [blank]
Barbados Lime internet wap wap
Belarus MTS internet.mts.by mts mts
Belarus Velcom
(Simple GPRS)
web.velcom.by web web
Belarus Velcom
(Plus plan)
plus.velcom.by plus plus
Belarus Velcom
(Privet plan)
privet.velcom.by privet privet
Belarus Velcom
(WAP plan)
wap.velcom.by wap wap
Belgium BASE
gprs.base.be base base
Belgium Mobistar
internet.be mobistar mobistar
Belgium Mobistar
web.pro.be mobistar mobistar
Belgium Orange
orangeinternet guest guest
Belgium Proximus
internet.proximus.be guest guest
Belgium Proximus
intraprox.be guest guest
Bosnia &
BH GSM mms.bhmobile.ba guest guest
Botswana Mascom Wireless internet.mascom guest guest
Botswana Orange internet.orange.co.bw guest guest
Brazil Claro claro.com.br claro claro
Brazil Oi gprs.oi.com.br guest guest
Brazil Oi (WAP) wapgprs.oi.com.br oiwap oioioi
Brazil T-Mobile tim.br tim tim
Brazil Velox wap.telcel.com iesgprs iesgprs2002
Bmobile bmobilewap guest guest
Bulgaria GloBul internet.globul.bg globul [none]
Bulgaria M-Tel inet-gprs.mtel.bg mtel mtel
Cambodia Mobitel 3g mobitel mobitel
Cameroon MTN Cameroon INTERNET guest guest
Cameroon MTN Cameroon
mtnwap mtnuser mtnuser
Cameroon Orange orangecmgprs orange orange
Canada Microcell
internet.fido.ca fido fido
Canada Rogers internet.com wapuser1 wap
Chile Claro wap.clarochile.cl clarochile clarochile
Chile Entel PCS bam.entelpcs.cl
entelpcs entelpcs
Chile Movistar wap.tmovil.cl wap wap
Chile Telefonica
web.tmovil.cl web web
China China Mobile cmnet guest guest
China China Unicom [none] guest guest
Congo Vodacom vodanet vodalive [blank]
Costa Rica IceCelular icecelular guest guest
Côte d'Ivoire MTN internet guest guest
Croatia HT Mobile web.htgpr 38591 38591
Croatia VIPNET START gprs0.vipnet.hr 38591 38591
Croatia VIPNET PRO gprs5.vipnet.hr 38591 38591
Croatia VIPNET 3G 3g.vip.hr 38591 38591
Cyprus Cytamobile-
internet guest guest
Cesky Mobil
internet guest guest
Cesky Mobil
(CM Prepay)
cinternet guest guest
T-Mobile internet.t-mobile.cz guest guest
guest guest guest
gointernet guest guest
internet guest guest
ointernet guest guest
Denmark 3 [none] guest guest
Denmark Orange web.orange.dk guest guest
Denmark Sonofon internet guest guest
Denmark TDC internet guest guest
Denmark Telia www.internet.mtelia.dk guest guest
Orange orangenet.com.do guest guest
El Salvador Movistar movistar.sv movistarsv movistarsv
El Salvador Tigo SV internet.tigo.sv guest guest
Egypt Etisalat etisalat guest guest
Egypt MobiNil mobinilweb guest guest
Egypt Vodafone internet.vodafone.net internet internet
Estonia EMT internet.emt.ee guest guest
Estonia RLE internet guest guest
Fiji Vodafone vfinternet.fj guest guest
Finland Dna internet guest guest
Finland Elisa
internet rlnet internet
Finland Saunalahti internet.saunalahti guest guest
Finland Sonera internet [blank] [blank]
Finland Song internet.song.fi song@internet songnet
France Bouygues ebouygtel.com guest guest
France Bouygues
b2bouygtel.com guest guest
France Orange
orange.fr orange orange
France Orange
internet-entreprise orange orange
France Orange MIB orange-mib mportail mib
France Orange
orange-acte orange orange
France SFR websfr guest guest
France TEN
ao.fr orange orange
France TEN
(pay by MByte)
ofnew.fr orange orange
French Polynesia Vini wap i-vini [blank]
Georgia Geocell internet guest guest
Germany AldiTalk/
internet.eplus.de eplus gprs
Germany Alice internet.partner1 guest guest
Germany E-Plus internet.eplus.de eplus gprs
Germany Fonic pinternet.interkom.de guest guest
Germany O2 (time-
based plans)
surfo2 guest guest
Germany O2 (volume-
based plans)
internet guest guest
Germany Quam quam.de quam quam
Germany T-Mobile D1 internet.t-mobile
t-mobile tm
Germany Tchibo webmobil1 guest guest
Germany Vodafone web.vodafone.de vodafone vodafone
Ghana Areeba
internet.areeba.com.gh guest guest
Ghana MTN internet guest guest
Ghana ONETouch browse guest guest
Ghana Tigo (WWW) web.tigo.com.gh web [blank]
Ghana Tigo (WAP) wap.tigo.com.gh wap wappost
Greece Cosmote internet
guest guest
Greece Telestet gnet.b-online.gr MSISDN, e.g.
Greece TIM gint.b-online.gr web web
Greece Vodafone internet.vodafone.gr guest guest
Grenada Cable & Wireless wap guest guest
Guatemala Claro internet.ideasclaro guest guest
Guatemala Tigo
guest guest
Guatemala Tigo
Wap.tigo.gt Wap Wap
Guyana GT&T Cellink Plus mms.cellinkgy.com gtt gtt
Honduras Tigo internet.tigo.hn guest guest
Hong Kong CSL hkcsl or 
guest guest
Hong Kong New World internet guest guest
Hong Kong Orange web.orangehk.com guest guest
Hong Kong People internet guest guest
Hong Kong SmarTone internet guest guest
Hong Kong Sunday internet guest guest
Hong Kong Three mobile.three.com.hk guest guest
Hungary Pannon
net guest guest
Hungary Pannon
(flat rate)
netx guest guest
Hungary Pannon
snet guest guest
Hungary T-Mobile
internet [supplied] [supplied]
Hungary T-Mobile
internet wap Wap
Hungary T-Mobile
mms-westel mms [supplied]
Hungary Vodafone
internet.vodafone.net guest guest
Hungary Vodafone
standardnet.vodafone.net guest guest
Hungary Vodafone
vitamax.internet.vodafone.net guest guest
Hungary Vodafone
vitamax.snet.vodafone.net guest guest
India AirTel airtelgprs.com guest guest
India AirTel (WAP) airtelwap.com guest guest
India BPL Mobile bplgprs.com bplmobile [blank]
India BSNL celloneportal guest guest
India BSNL (prepay) www.e.pr guest guest
India Hutch
www guest guest
India Hutch
web guest guest
India Idea Cellular internet guest guest
India MTNL Delhi
gprsmtnldel mtnl mtnl123
India MTNL Delhi
gprsppsdel mtnl mtnl123
India MTNL Mumbai
gprsmtnlmum mtnl mtnl123
India MTNL Mumbai
gprsppsmum mtnl mtnl123
India Spice Telecom simplyenjoy [mobile number] spice
India Vodacom internet guest guest
India Vodafone
www guest guest
India Vodafone
portalnmms guest guest
Indonesia AXIS axis axis 123456
Indonesia Excelcomindo www.xlgprs.net xlgprs proxl
Indonesia IM3 www.indosat-m3.net
gprs im3
Indonesia Indosat
guest guest
Indonesia Telkomsel internet
wap wap123
Iran Irancell mtnirancell guest guest
Ireland Meteor isp.mymeteor.ie my meteor
Ireland O2
open.internet gprs gprs
Ireland O2
pp.internet gprs gprs
Ireland Vodafone
isp.vodafone.ie vodafone vodafone
Ireland Vodafone
live.vodafone.com vodafone vodafone
Israel CellCom etecsa etecsa [blank]
Israel MTC-Vodafone apn01 guest guest
Israel Orange orangeinternet guest guest
Italy H3G tre.it guest guest
Italy H3G (Naviga3) naviga.tre.it guest guest
Italy H3G (prepay) pre.tre.it guest guest
Italy TIM ibox.tim.it guest guest
Italy Vodafone web.vodafone.it
guest guest
Italy Vodafone
iphone.vodafone.it guest guest
Italy Wind internet.wind
Wind Wind
Jamaica Cable & Wireless wap guest guest
Jamaica Digicel web.digiceljamaica.com wapuser wap03jam
Japan Softbank vodafone ai@vodafone vodafone
Jersey (See UK)
Jordan Orange wap.orange.jo wap wap
Kazakhstan Beeline internet.beeline.kz @internet.beeline [blank]
Kenya Celtel ke.celtel.com guest guest
Kenya Safaricom web.safaricom.com web web
Kosovo D3 d3gprs guest guest
Kosovo iPKO ipko guest guest
Kosovo Vala vala900-int guest guest
Kuwait Wataniya (contract) action.wataniya.com
guest guest
Kuwait Wataniya (MMS) mms.wataniya.com
n/a n/a
Kyrgyzstan MegaCom internet guest guest
Laos ETL etlnet guest guest
Laos ETL etlnet guest guest
Laos Tigo tigolaowap guest guest
Latvia LMT internet.lmt.lv [blank] [blank]
Latvia Tele2 internet.tele2.lv gprs internet
Lebannon Cellis FTML internet.ftml.com.lb plugged plugged
Lebannon MTC Touch gprs.mtctouch.com.lb guest guest
Libya Al Madar Access point 1(this is probably
guest guest
Lithuania Bite GSM banga bite [blank]
Lithuania Omnitel
gprs.omnitel.net guest guest
Lithuania Omnitel
(no contract)
gprs.startas.lt omni omni
Luxembourg LUXGSM webp.pt.lu guest guest
Luxembourg Tango internet tango tango
Luxembourg VOXmobile vox.lu guest guest
Macau CTM ctm-mobile guest guest
Macau Macau Hutchison
Telecom (Internet)
web.hutchisonmacau.com hutchison 1234
Macau Macau Hutchison
Telecom (MMS)
mms.hutchisonmacau.com hutchison 1234
Malaysia DIGI diginet guest guest
Malaysia Celcom celcom.net.my guest guest
Malaysia Maxis 2G
internet.gprs.maxis guest guest
Malaysia Maxis 3G
unet maxis wap
Malaysia Maxis
net maxis net
Malaysia Timecel timenett.com.my
guest guest
Malaysia TM Touch internet guest guest
Maldives Dhiraagu internet.dhimobile guest guest
Maldives Wataniya wataniyanet guest guest
Malta Go Mobile
gosurfing guest guest
Malta Go Mobile
rtgsurfing guest guest
Malta Vodafone Internet Internet Internet
Mauritius Emtel web [mobile number] MMSC
Mexico Telcel internet.itelcel.com webgprs webgprs2002
Moldavia Moldcell internet gprs gprs
Mongolia MobiCom internet
guest guest
Montenegro Promonte GSM gprs.promonte.com guest guest
Montenegro T-Mobile
internet-postpaid 38167 38167
Morocco Maroc Telecom iam wac 1987
Morocco Medi (Internet) internet1.meditel.ma MEDINET MEDINET
Morocco Medi (WAP) wap.meditel.ma MEDIWAP MEDIWAP
Mozambique MCel isp.mcel.mz
guest guest
Namibia MTC ppsinternet guest guest
Nepal Mero Mobile mero guest guest
Netherlands Hi portalmmm.nl guest guest
Netherlands KPN Mobile internet KPN gprs
Netherlands O2 internet guest guest
Netherlands T-Mobile
internet tmobile tmobile
Netherlands Telfort internet telfortnl password
Netherlands Vodafone Live live.vodafone.com vodafone vodafone
Netherlands Vodafone
office.vodafone.nl vodafone vodafone
New Zealand Vodafone Live
live.vodafone.com guest guest
New Zealand Vodafone
internet guest guest
New Zealand Vodafone
www.vodafone.net.nz guest guest
Nicaragua Alo Pcs internet.ideasalo.ni internet internet
Nicaragua Claro wap.emovil wapemovil wapemovil
Nicaragua Movistar internet.movistar.ni
Nigeria Celtel (contract) internet.ng.celtel.com internet internet
Nigeria Celtel (pre-pay) wap.ng.celtel.com wap wap
Nigeria Etisalat etisalat [blank] [blank]
Nigeria Globacom
glodirect gprs gprs
Nigeria Globacom
glogwap wap wap
Nigeria MTN Nigeria web.mtnnigeria.net
mtn web
Nigeria Zain wap.ng.zain.com wap wap
Norway Netcom internet.netcom.no netcom netcom
Norway TalkMore (same as Netcom)    
Norway Telenor Mobil internet.public dj dj
Norway Ventelo internet.ventelo.no [blank] 1111
Oman Nawras isp.nawras.com.om test test
Pakistan Djuice (same as Telenor)    
Pakistan Mobilink GSM connect.mobilinkworld.com guest guest
Pakistan Mobilink Jazz jazzconnect.mobilinkworld.com guest guest
Pakistan Telenor internet telenor telenor
Pakistan UFone ufone.internet ufone ufone
Pakistan ZONG
(China Mobile)
guest guest
Panama Cable & Wireless apn01.cwpanama.com.pa xxx xxx
Panama Movistar internet.movistar.pa movistarpa movistarpa
Paraguy CTI internet.ctimovil.com.py ctigprs ctigprs999
Perù Claro (TIM) tim.pe tim tulibertad
Perù Movistar movistar.pe movistar@datos movistar
Philippines Globe Telecoms
internet.globe.com.ph globe globe
Philippines Globe Telecoms
www.globe.com.ph globe globe
Philippines Smart internet witsductoor banonoy
Philippines Sun Cellular minternet guest guest
Poland ERA erainternet erainternet erainternet
Poland Heyah heyah.pl heyah heyah
Poland Idea www.idea.pl idea idea
Poland iPlus www.plusgsm.pl guest guest
Poland Orange internet internet internet
Poland Polkomtel www.plusgsm.pl guest guest
Portugal Optimus
internet guest guest
Portugal Optimus
umts guest guest
Portugal TMN internet guest guest
Portugal Vodafone
internet.vodafone.pt guest guest
Qatar Qtel [none] guest guest
Romania Orange internet guest guest
Romania Vodafone internet.vodafone.ro internet.vodafone.ro vodafone
Russia BaikalWestCom inet.bwc.ru bwc bwc
Russia BeeLine internet.beeline.ru beeline beeline
Russia Enisey TeleCom internet.etk.ru etk [supplied]
Russia Megafon
(Dalniy Vostok)
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet gdata gdata
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Megafon
internet guest guest
Russia Motiv inet.ycc.ru motiv [supplied]
Russia MTS internet.mts.ru
mts mts
Russia NCC internet ncc [supplied]
Russia NTC internet.ntc guest guest
Russia PrimTel internet.primtel.ru guest guest
Russia Tatincom internet.tatincom.ru tatincom tatincom
Russia Tele2 wap.tele2.ru gprs [blank]
Saint Lucia Cable & Wireless internet guest guest
Saint Vincent &
the Grenadines
Digicel wap.digiceloecs.com wapoecs wap03oecs
Saudi Arabia Mobily web2 guest guest
Saudi Arabia STC jawalnet.com.sa guest guest
Sénégal Tigo wap.sentelgsm.com guest guest
Mobtel Srbija internet mobtel gprs
Telekom Srbija 3gnet mts 064
Telekom Srbija
(MMS service)
mms mts 064
Telekom Srbija
(WAP service)
gprswap mts 064
Sierra Leone Zain internet.sl.zain.com [blank] [vlank]
Singapore M1 sunsurf 65 user123
Singapore SingTel internet guest guest
Singapore Starhub shwap star hub
Slovakia Eurotel internet guest guest
Slovakia Globtel internet guest guest
Slovakia Orange internet jusernejm pasvord
Slovenia Mobitel
internet mobitel internet
Slovenia Mobitel
(Internet Pro)
internetpro mobitel internet
Slovenia Simobil [none] guest guest
South Africa Cell-C internet guest guest
South Africa MTN internet guest guest
South Africa Virgin Mobile vdata guest guest
South Africa Vodacom internet guest guest
South Africa Vodacom
internetvpn guest guest
Spain Jazztel jazzinternet guest guest
Spain Orange internet orange orange
Spain Simyo gprs-service.com guest guest
Spain Telefonica
movistar.es movistar movistar
Spain Vodafone
airtelnet.es vodafone vodafone
Spain Yoigo internet
guest guest
St. Lucia
St. Vincent
Saint Lucia or
Saint Vincent)
Sri Lanka Cellterl [FTD] wap guest guest
Sri Lanka Dialog GSM
www.dialogsl.com guest guest
Sri Lanka Dialog GSM
ppinternet guest guest
Sri Lanka Mobitel isp
guest guest
Suriname Digicel Suriname wap.digicelsr.com wap wap
Sweden Tele2 (Comviq) internet.tele2.se gprs internet
Sweden Tele2 (3G) internet.tele2.se wap wap
Sweden Telenor
internet.vodafone.net guest guest
Sweden Telenor
services.vodafone.net guest guest
Sweden Telia online.telia.se guest guest
Sweden Tre (3G) internet.djuice.se guest guest
Switzerland Orange internet guest guest
Switzerland Sunrise internet internet internet
Switzerland Swisscom gprs.swisscom.ch guest guest
Tahiti (See French
Taiwan Chunghwa
emome guest guest
Taiwan Far EasTone fetnet01 guest guest
Taiwan Hinet internet guest guest
Taiwan KG Telecom internet guest guest
Taiwan Taiwan Cellular internet guest guest
Taiwan TransAsia internet guest guest
Tanzania Celtel Tz internet.tz.celtel.com guest guest
Tanzania Vodacom wap guest guest
Thailand AIS [none] ais ais
Thailand DTAC www.dtac.co.th guest guest
Thailand True internet true true
Trinidad &
Digicel wap.digiceltt.com wap wap
Trinidad &
TSTT internet wap wap
Turkey Aria internet guest guest
Turkey Aycell aycell guest guest
Turkey Telsim
telsim telsim telsim
Turkey Telsim
prepaidgprs guest guest
Turkey Türkcell internet gprs gprs
UAE Etisalat etisalat.ae etisalat.ae etisalat.ae
Uganda MTN yellopix.mtn.co.ug guest guest
UK 3 three.co.uk guest guest
UK AirTel Vodafone airtel-ci-gprs.com guest guest
UK Jersey
pepper abc abc
UK 3 (broadband) three.co.uk guest guest
UK O2 (contract)
mobile.o2.co.uk faster web
UK O2 (contract)
mobile.o2.co.uk bypass web
UK O2 (pre-pay) payandgo.o2.co.uk
UK Orange
(Pay Monthly)
orangeinternet orange multimedia
UK Orange
(Pay as you go)
orangeinternet user pass
UK Orange
orangeinternet wap wap
UK T-Mobile general.t-mobile.uk user pass
UK Tesco Mobile prepay.tesco-mobile.com tescowap password
UK Virgin Mobile goto.virginmobile.uk user [space]
UK Vodafone
internet web web
UK Vodafone
pp.vodafone.co.uk wap wap
Ukraine Ace&Base www.ab.kyivstar.net igprs internet
Ukraine Beeline internet.beeline.ua guest guest
Ukraine Djuice www.djuice.com.ua igprs igprs
Ukraine Jeans www.jeans.ua guest guest
Ukraine Jeans
hyper.net guest guest
Ukraine Kyivstar www.kyivstar.net igprs internet
Ukraine Life
internet guest guest
Ukraine Life
speed guest guest
Ukraine Mobi-GSM internet.urs guest guest
Ukraine UMC
internet internet [supplied]
Ukraine UMC www.umc.ua guest guest
Ukraine Wellcome internet.urs guest guest
Uruguay ANCEL gprs.ancel guest guest
Uruguay CTI internet.ctimovil.com.uy ctiweb ctiweb999
Uruguay Movistar webapn.movistar.com.uy movistar movistar
(With acceleration)
(NO acceleration)
phone guest guest
USA Edge Wireless ISP guest guest
USA MetroPCS (see notes) guest guest
USA Sprint (see notes) guest guest
USA T-Mobile (Internet) internet2.voicestream.com guest guest
USA T-Mobile (VPN) internet3.voicestream.com guest guest
USA T-Mobile (non-contract) wap.voicestream.com guest guest
USA Verizon (see notes) guest guest
Uzbekistan Uzdunrobita net.urd.uz user pass
Venezuela Digitel TIM gprsweb.digitel.ve guest guest
Venezuela Movistar internet.movistar.ve guest guest
Zimbabwe Econet internet bigger bigger
Country Network APN User name Password
box db is a database containing specifications and features, secret hidden codes, tricks, hard reset, box logs(unlock, repair, diagnostic, recover). Here you can learn, solve, investigate, repair. Best hacks of cell phones and smartphones 1G (AMPS, NTM, TACS), 2G (GSM), 2.5G (GPRS), 2.75G (EGPRS), 3G (UMTS), 3.5G (HSDPA), 3.75G (HSUPA), 3.8G - 3.85G (HSPA+), 4G (LTE), 4G+ (LTE Advanced), 5G.


  • Box crack
  • Box hack
  • specifications
  • Box db
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  • FRP(frp) server
  • Hard reset
  • Factory reset
  • Root
  • Super Root
  • Unlock
  • Tricks
  • Hacks
  • box logs(unlock, repair, diagnostic, recover)